Wednesday, July 5, 2023

"Master Your Emotions" by Thibaut Meurisse


Everyone has emotions and gets emotional.  For those who find themselves slaves to their emotions, this book is a tremendous help.  The author helps readers understand what emotions are, how they form, and what actions one needs to take to ensure a positive rather than negative outcome.  Readers are instructed to ask themselves what event has taken place, how they interpret said event, how they attach to it, and how they can change it.  Emphasis is placed on events inside vs outside of one's control.  If someone truly cannot change something, it's fine to feel the negative emotions and let them pass, but it is fruitless to wallow in and identify with the negative emotions.  I really liked the analogies used on emotions.  Emotions are like clothes.  We can wear them, put them on, and put them off, but they are not us.  Emotions are like clouds.  They can pass by the sun, but they are not the sun.  The simple art of reframing is very powerful.  Instead of saying "I am sad", simply say "I feel sad".  Dig deep into why that is and proactively detach from it.  Then and only then can one truly master their emotions.