Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"The I Believe Bunny" by Tosh Rabe

"The I Believe Bunny" by Tosh Rabe is a cute children's book with a Christian twist. The book starts off with a Bible quotation, and the story works around it to teach a central message. In this particular book in the series, the bunny finds a fellow woodland creature in distress. He tries to help the critter and, when in need of assistance, prays. Later, more friends of the bunny come to help bunny save his new friend. In the end, all the creatures learn the power of prayer.

Illustrated by Frank Endersby, the pictures are very vibrant. They are akin to soft watercolors, oftetimes relying heavily on pastels. The text itself is arragned in a poetic structure with quatrains. The story can be dramatically suspenseful at times since a creature is in need of rescue. Great for children, this teaches a Christian lesson and has a happy ending all thanks to God.


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