"Deadlock" by Al and Jo Lacy is the second installment of the "Return of the Stranger" series. It follows a famous cowboy lawman known for his quick gun skills. This man is called The Stranger and synonymously converts his criminals to Christianity. In the book, The Stranger (John) works with his partner Whip (in book one, John captured Whip, converted him, and turned him into a lawman after he was released from prison). Together, John, Whip, and Whip's trained wolf chase after bandits. John and Whip are married, and John has children. The book progresses with western mannerisms of the nineteenth century and pleasantries that will make readers smile. The true suspense that is described on the back cover (John's daughter being kidnapped) does not happen until the last forty pages or so. Prior to that, the reader is caught up in the setting and characters so they will be informed of events if they did not read book one. Still, they will not be bored if they have read book one. The interactions between the husbands and wives in this book are sweet and not at all graphic. The Christian aspect is Baptist and nice with Biblical quotations. Readers who appreciate Christian westerns will fall in love with this book and eagerly await book three.
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