Monday, August 5, 2013

“Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience” by Carole P. Roman

“Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience” by Carole P. Roman is a delightful book about learning and overcoming difficulties in life.  Out of all of Roman’s pirate books, I have to say that this one is my favorite.  Besides being full of great artistic pictures, this book really hits home on handing emotions.  Pepper the Parrot doesn’t know his left from right.  This subsequently gets him embarrassed in public.  Then, he gets frustrated, angry, and even cries.  Now, adults may know their left from their right, but we can all identify with not knowing something and getting embarrassed / upset over it.  The book also emphasizes kindness in teaching others, along with some humor thrown in for good measure.  There is even a tip included for little ones to remember their left from their right.  All in all, this is a great book. 

1 comment:

Carole P. Roman said...

Once again, thanks for the great review!