Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Thank You Lord for Everything" by P J Lyons, Tim Warnes

This children's book is simply adorable.  The little teddy bear is quite grateful, and readers of all ages see that.  From the basic needs of food and nourishment to the joys of friendship and family, this little teddy is thankful.  The full-color illustrations are cute and get the story across in a fun manner.  There are several animals throughout the book, so kids see not only bears but also other wildlife.  Since the teddy bear thanks Lord for everything, there is a religious feel to the book.  There is a chapel in an illustration, so the book leans more towards Christianity.  Nonetheless, the overall theme of being thankful for life's blessings is central.  The book is hardcover, and the pages are thick and more wood-like than paper.  It is a durable book that can take lots of reading and dropping!

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