Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Superfoods Every Day" by Sue Quinn

Every wondered what superfoods are and how to incorporate them into your diet?  This book uses scientific yet simple terms to explain all of that.  There are even helpful illustrations to illustrate what different superfoods do in the body.  As for the recipes, those are really nice.  The smoothies and salads are especially delicious...and easy to make!  What I love about this book is the pictures.  On the left page, there is a picture of all the ingredients you need for a recipe laid out.  On the right page, there is a picture of the final product.  The recipes also highlight which superfoods are used and how they aid the body in health.  The physical instructions are in paragraph from yet are kept short.  This book has a good balance.  The recipes aren't just normal food with superfoods mixed in.  Neither are the recipes just superfoods with nothing else.  From breakfast to sides to snacks to meals, this book will help you learn to cook and get more healthy food into your system!

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