Friday, February 19, 2016

"Bride and Prejudice" directed by Gurinder Chadha

This witty comedy is sure to keep you laughing.  As any Bollywood inspired movie would do, it  starts off with extravagant singing and dancing.  Oh, and, there is plenty more theatrical outbreaks into song as the movie progresses.  This story is based off of the classic Pride and Prejudice but has an Indian twist.  Indian Lolita thinks that British Darcy is too privileged and that he looks down on common Indian women.  The characters have plenty of conflict and eventually come together at the end of the story in a marriage.  There is drama from other suitors and Lolita's sisters, as well.  This film has elements of romance but nothing graphic.  The story is sweet and hilarious all at the same time.  Personally, I loved all the colorful Indian costumes!

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