Monday, January 6, 2020

"Lessons from Madame Chic" by Jennifer L. Scott

What a fun and lovely book this is!  Jennifer writes in a style that is half-memoir, half-advice.  Sent to Paris in college for a study abroad program, Jennifer is thrust headfirst into the French culture.  Through her host family--whom she charmingly calls Family Chic--she learns so much about how to live a better life.  There are lessons on fashion, the capsule wardrobe, removing clutter, reducing consumerism, and more.  There is a great emphasis on using the best one has in the moment.  Don't save those fancy dinner plates or luxury dress for "someday" that may never come.  Use and wear your best items now!  Part of that involves getting rid of (or donating) anything that is less than top quality.  That reduces the temptation to use second-rate items.  Enjoy your food, exercise, walk with your head held high, and learn the art of mystique.  There are so many wonderful lessons in this book, and it was super fun to read.

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