Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"Isaiah's Legacy" by Mesu Andrews


Part of the "Prophets and Kings" series, this book primarily follows the life of King Manasseh and his wife Shulle.  Manasseh is the son of King Hezekiah.  King Hezekiah was married to Queen Hephzivah.  Queen Hephzivah was Isaiah's adopted daughter.  If I'm going to be honest, I much preferred the prequel of "Isaiah's Daughter" to this next book "Isaiah's Legacy".  While there is the redemption at the very end for wicked King Manasseh, much of the 300+ pages are devoted to folly and sin.  Tricked at a young age, Shulle goes from a devout Jew to a pagan priestess.  Her sexuality is twisted and manipulated by others who wish to use her to control the king.  Shulle falls in love with King Manasseh but bears the sadness of his many wives--a common pagan custom.  Drama ensues when the king begins to sacrifice his own children in an attempt to "appease the gods".  Throughout the course of the book and the characters' lives, the misguided eventually come back to the one true God.  This book is very emotional and difficult to read.  Its saving grace is that it will hopefully remind readers that if someoene as wicked as Manasseh can be can they.

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