Monday, October 4, 2021

"Miraculous Living" by Rabbi Shoni Labowitz

Beautifully written and thoughtfully organized, this book takes readers on a guided journey of kabbalah thru the ten gates of the tree of life.  Each of the ten "gates" is preceded by a summary of the gate.  Each subsequent chapter (only a few pages at a time) starts off with double quotations.  One quote is from Jewish sources while one quote is from Taoist / Buddhist sources.  The author weaves traditional Judaism in with eastern religious principles.  Though each chapter is quick enough to read in ten minutes, readers will find themselves mulling over the words time and time again.  The book is written in such a concise yet profound way.  There is no "fluff" or paragraphs for the sake of paragraphs.  Rather, each sentence is carefully crafter to lure the reader deeper into their own soul awakening.


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