Friday, October 1, 2010

"Good Morning Lord" by Shiela Walsh

The front cover boasts "I don't know where You're going today, but I'm going with You," and that is oh-so true. With over 100 "days" to read, this book is ideal for those that want to find time for the Lord who are most alert in the early hours. Each reading for the day has a paragraph that explains something about God and Jesus or the Holy Ghost. Then, there are two questions that prompt journaling. Lines are given to write in. At the end, there is a little prayer to be either read or recited. Then, there is a Bible verse to reflect on for the day. What's great about this book is that the readings are not numbered. So, if the reader forgets a day or messes up, (s)he does not feel bad or get stressed out that they have to make up two the next day. With this book, readers can reconnect with the Lord one step at a time--one morning at a time. Why not share breakfast with God?

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