Monday, August 19, 2019

"Living Without Stress or Fear" by Thich Nhat Hanh

I listened to this book as an audio book CD in my vehicle.  The title really struck me as something I should investigate.  After all, who doesn't want to live without stress or fear?  I quickly learned that this book is written by a Zen monk.  It covers various monk philosophies ranging from friendship, respect, love, harmony, nature, exercise, and more.  At no point did I feel the author was trying to convert me to a new religion or to convince me to become a monk.  Rather, I felt like I was sitting in on an exclusive look into the life of a monk.  I learned how all life is connected and how people never truly die (in the same sense that clouds never truly die).  I learned about how matter is not created or destroyed but instead transformed from one form to another.  I learned about the Buddha and other historical figures.  I learned how one of the true paths to "enlightenment" is simply understanding.  This book was very relaxing and I recommend it to others.

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