Thursday, September 5, 2019

"Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Well-Being" by Eric Langshur & Nate Klemp, PhD

I listened to this book as an audio book CD while driving to and from work.  Much to my surprise, this was not a book about nutrition, diet, and exercise, but rather a book about mindfulness, meditation, and tranquility.  The authors combat stress, anxiety, worry, anger, and other sour emotions by encouraging listeners to stop, notice, and rewire.  Stop the negative emotion and calm down.  Notice where one's thoughts are directed.  Rewire thoughts to align more closely with reality and peace.  A common phrase used in the book is the question "is it true?".  All too often, we make up stories in our heads about ourselves and others that are simply not true.  For instance, if a boss is moody at work, that doesn't mean the boss hates us.  Perhaps the boss has a stomach ache or didn't get enough sleep the night before or is having family troubles.  Who knows.  It does no good to jump to conclusions, especially if those conclusions do more harm than good for our well being.  

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