Tuesday, October 6, 2020

"A Woman's Influence" by Sheri Gaskins and Tony A Gaskins Jr

Written by relationship coach Mr. Gaskins and his wife, this book is all about relationships.  While the title speaks of a woman's influence, this book isn't a step-by-step guide for showing women how to influence men.  Rather, it is a compilation of advice from the Gaskins family.  Readers are told the games men play, the games women play, what really matters when it comes to love, and how to carry oneself.  While there's no need to rush into marriage, people also need to know when to put their foot down and leave when necessary.  If a man has friends, that's one thing.  If a man is sleeping around, that's another thing.  The same goes for women.  Someone with high self worth trusts themself enough to know that true love exists.  It is not helping anyone to stay in a toxic relationship with someone that sees no future with them.  While it's definitely easier said than done, men and women need to truly learn how to love themselves before diving into any relationship.  Additionally, people need to find someone they love mentally before becoming obsessed with physical love.  Lust fades but true love lasts a lifetime.

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