Thursday, January 6, 2022

"Face Workouts for Beginners" by Nadira V Persaud

Having heard of the "face yoga" trend, I decided to give this book a try.  The premise is that the muscles in one's face are no different than the muscles in other parts of the body.  What you don't use, you lose!  Many of the workouts are intuitive and make sense--stretch your neck, open and close your jaw, look up, look left, look right, and so on.  There are also massage techniques for relieving pressure / stress at various points on the face.  Where the book lost me, though, is on the skin pulling exercises.  Several parts of the book instruct readers to literally grab, hold, and pull on the skin face.  I'm no face yoga expert, but I don't think pulling on face skin is going to make anyone look any younger.  While this book has some good tips, I would say it is not a magic cure for the effects of father time.

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