Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"Amazing Chesed: Living a Grace-Filled Judaism" by Rabbi Rami Shapiro


While the common perception is that Christianity is full of grace while Judaism is full of justice, Rabbi Shapiro turns that argument on its head.  He posits that Judaism actually invented grace and that--while not widely advertised--the Hebrew faith is full of grace.  Shapiro quotes several Bible passages and even goes into detail on what the original Hebrew text means (sometimes things get lost in translation when going from Hebrew to English).  He also expounds on famous stories like Creation, The Flood, Jonah and the Whale, and Job who is the quintessential example of "bad things happening to good people".  Shapiro's thesis is that grace isn't something that can be earned but rather something we receive.  Just like how radio stations are broadcasting music for all but are only audible by those tuned into the appropriate frequency, grace is available for all if only we ready ourselves to receive it.  Living with grace means becoming aware of God, aware of oneself, and aware of the world. 

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