Thursday, July 14, 2022

"The Smartest Portfolio You'll Ever Own" by Daniel R Solin

This is an excellent finance book for anyone looking to invest.  The chapters are crisp and concise, getting right to the point.  Solin warns readers the dangers of mutual fund fees--that often underperform.  He encourages readers to invest in a diversified portfolio of index funds and ETF.  These offer the diversification of mutual funds but with a fraction of the fees.  Also, as Solin's research points to, these funds do better historically as compared to mutual funds.  This may be due to the lower fees.  Since index fund and ETF managers aren't making riches off of fees, they need to make riches off of funds.  This is a win win for investors.  The concept of asset allocation is also brought up.  The "smartest portfolio" has several options based on one's risk tolerance.  Solin recommends investors start out high risk when they are young and gradually transition to low risk as they near retirement.  This book is well researched yet full of common sense.  I look forward to testing out Solin's "smartest portfolio" for myself.  Something tells me I won't be disappointed.

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