Thursday, September 26, 2019

"When God Was a Bird" by Mark I Wallace

Wowza, did this book really impact me!  I was a bit skeptical when I picked this book up, thinking it'd be some hippy pagan crossover with people worshipping birds.  However, I was wrong.  As I began to turn the pages, I discovered a whole new paradigm that was in the Bible all along but which had gone under my radar for years.  Wallace points out various scriptures where God takes on physical form--from the Old Testament burning bush to the New Testament Holy Spirit dove.  Wallace argues that since everything God created is good and full of a divine spirit, we should respect all of creation.  There are several chapters that go into environmentalism, the wonder of flight, and how ancient peoples viewed birds.  Also fascinating is the concept of creating animal images in the Bible.  While there are commandments against making images of creatures, there are the cherubs on the ark of the covenant, as well as the bronze serpent in the Exodus.  Wallace argues that honoring creatures is not unholy...except when there is no divine cause.  This is why it was wrong to make the golden calf but not wrong to make other objects that look like animals.  I urge readers to take this book on for themselves and see how their perspective changes.  Neither I nor Wallace are pagans.  We believe in one God.  However, we believe God can inhabit whatever creature God wants and that, as such, all creation is worthy of care, honor, and respect.

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