Monday, December 16, 2019

"The Negotiation Fieldbook" by Grande Lum

This book is truly a one-stop-shop for all things negotiation.  Written by negotiation experts, it walks the layperson through the aspects of how to create win-win situations.  There are several worksheets and examples included to help readers apply the knowledge they learn to their specific situation.  There is also a glossary in the back to assist with the various negotiation terms.  Readers will learn how to understand what it is they want and how that ties in with what others want.  They will learn key tactics--some fair and some unfair--that are commonly used in the industry.  While the main idea is creating a win-win scenario, this book also asks some tough questions of the reader that will make them really see the other perspective and decide if what they are asking for is really the best.  A great business read if you ask me!

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