Friday, November 13, 2020

"Are You the One for Me?" by Barbara DeAngelis, PhD


This is one of the most in-depth and thorough relationship books I have ever read.  Written by a PhD, it goes into the psychology of why relationships work or don't work.  This isn't a fun beach gossip read or some celebrity's advice on dating.  Rather, this book delves deep into why people choose partners and what they need to really focus on.  DeAngelis differentiates between lust and love.  She also talks extensively about compatibility and friendship.  The book is full of various case studies in love--both from those who have mastered it and those who are struggling.  Topics such as age difference, cultural difference, religious difference, addictions, responsibility, and more are covered as DeAngelis encourages readers to focus on what really matters.  While chemistry is essential, it can not carry a relationship thru the test of time alone.  It needs to be coupled with true compatibility, a shared vision, and mutual commitment.

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