Thursday, November 5, 2020

"Real Moments" by Barbara DeAngelis, PhD


This book is all about slowing down and experiencing life.  The author talks about true joy and how happiness must be found within--not without.  Accomplishing goals and accumulating wealth are great.  However, those can not be the source of true happiness because they can go away.  People can get laid off, lose their finances, get divorced, lose a spouse, and so on.  To be truly happy, one must experience more of what the author calls "real moments".  These are moments in time when people understand their love, worth, and purpose.  It can be found by paying attention to a partner, putting the electronics away, taking a walk, learning from strangers, and so much more.  A real moment is an epiphany when a life lesson is learned and true gratitude emerges.  The trouble is people are often so hurried and rushed that they do not stop and feel their feelings of living in the moment. 

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