With the words "A Plane Crash--A Lone Survivor...A Journey To Heaven--And Back" sprawled across the cover, readers expect a lot from this "Pilot's True Story." Black, along with the help of Ken Gire, accounts his story. He tells of what made him want to fly, how he obtained a pilot's licence, his crash, his time in heaven, and his life after the ephemeral journey. I've read other books on NDEs (Near Death Experiences) that are mostly slow with exception to the chapter or two that actually details heaven. Well, this book also denotes just a small portion to writing about heaven. However, readers keep turning the pages to read about Black. This isn't something any NDE author can do--although, who knows how much of this should be attributed to Gire's writing skills. Black writes about how and why he kept his vision secret for so long. He also writes of how he was spiritually changed. I won't ruin this for the reader, but I will say they will be touched. Scripture isn't quoted often, but, when it does, it is dead on. Also, the aeronautical detail is accurate, explanatory, and satisfactory. As an aeronautical engineer that is on fire for Christ, I loved this book.
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