Thursday, March 8, 2018

"Reinventing You" by Dorie Clark

Have you ever wanted to change your brand?  Get a new job role, make a change, start a nonprofit, or just challenge your own personal status quo?  This book will help you do just that.  There are plenty of concrete steps, most important of all is evaluation.  You can't get to where you want to go without first knowing where you are coming from.  Once you have decided your starting point and end destination, there is the journey in between.  Get a mentor, make a plan, job shadow, volunteer for an assignment, tweak your social media presence, and much more.  There is even advice for financial matters such as whether or not to go back to school.  At the very end of the book, there are tips for maintaining one's new image.  Creating a brand is a lifestyle, and Clark will help you with that.

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