Friday, February 1, 2019

"Color me younger" by Pat Henshaw and Veronique Henderson

This book is all about how to look one's best.  While there is an emphasis on women over 40, I think women of all ages can benefit from this book.  There are examples of different hair / eye / skin combinations, as well as corresponding colors that go well with said persons.  I found my own palette and plenty of outfit ideas based on the colors suggested for me.  I found it funny that most of the colors suggested for me were colors that dominated my closet!  There is a black lady in this book, but, that aside, I'd say there aren't many examples for other nationalities.  As a white woman, I found my own color examples.  However, for women who are Asian, Indian, Hispanic, African, or other exotic nationalities, I'd suggest getting a more specific book that will work to your palette.

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