Tuesday, February 1, 2022

"Happiness is a Serious Problem" by Dennis Prager


As the title suggests, this book is all about happiness.  What is happiness and how does one attain it?  Unlike other self-help books, this book is not full of fluff or countless chapters that "tell people what they want to hear".  Rather, there are very real segments relating to topics such as family, marriage, children, friendship, religion, meaning, and more.  Prager asserts that we all have a dark side (I agree) and that we need to come to terms with it by indulging in vices in moderation (I disagree).  Prager also encourages people to find both a religious faith (I agree) and a psychotherapist (I disagree).  While Prager and I don't see eye-to-eye on every issue, I do think there are important lessons to learn.  Happiness isn't just a fleeting feeling but a decision we choose to make every day.  More importantly, instead of asking ourselves "will this make me happy?", we should instead ask ourselves "is this meaningful?".    

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