Saturday, October 19, 2019

Premarital Relations and Cohabitation

“To Divorce-Proof Yourself, Don’t Have Premarital Sex” by Joy Pullmann
  • Women with 0 sexual partners before marriage have the lowest divorce rates. Yes, there are benefits to being a prude like myself. Plus, no diseases!
    • People who have sex outside of marriage may compare their spouse to prior partners.  Also, those who don't have a fundamental belief that sex is ONLY for one's spouse may fall more easily into affairs.

“Does Premarital Cohabitation Raise Your Risk of Divorce?” by Arielle Kuperberg, PhD
  • Couples who cohabited before marriage had a 33% higher chance of divorcing than couples who moved in together after the wedding ceremony
    • While I think it's okay to visit someone's home or go on vacation together, I warn couples against moving in together.  Sometimes couples have troubles and are really not a good match but stay together just because of a lease.
Religion aside, the main reason I advocate for saving sex / leases for marriage is due to WASTED TIME.  People who start having sex or living together (the two often go hand-in-hand) oftentimes end up spending way too much time on a person who is not a good match.  Years later, they either break up or fall into marriages that were doomed from the start.  Some of the saddest women--and men--I know are those who've spent years of their life with someone who wasn't the best for them.  You don't get those years back.  

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