Saturday, October 19, 2019

Religion Tips

Healthy Identity
  • Stay true to who you are
    • Don’t let any religious figure change who you are on the inside. Never feel like you should act a certain way to be accepted.
  • Don’t change for religion
    • The only changes you should make are to be a better person (e.g.- be nicer to friends / family, don’t get angry, volunteer more, etc). But don’t feel pressured to change your dress or mannerisms or finances for religion.
Healthy Discernment
  • Actions speak louder than words
    • Look at what people do and not just a what they say. Do people volunteer, are they kind, do they help others?
  • Know your time and money belong to you
    • You do not have to give any of your time or money to those who ask. If you feel pressured, walk away.
Healthy Tolerance
  • Acknowledge that many people have good intentions
    • Most people say / do what they were taught. Very few people read their religion’s entire holy book or question things. You may not agree with people, but acknowledge most are trying to be good people. Avoid arguments with people
    • Do not make statements that convey one party is right while another is wrong. Many feuds are avoided by phrasing things like, “I believe” or “I respect your opinion.”
Healthy Spirituality
  • Connect to the outdoors and nature
    • Not everyone can find God in a building. Go hiking, smell the flowers, climb a mountain, and admire the majesty of creation.
  • Love yourself
    • Believe that God loves you and accepts you. While we can all strive to be better people, do not feel the need to prove your goodness to God. Strive for excellence but also be humble.
Healthy Friendships
  • Focus on the commonality
    • While you may not subscribe to all of someone’s theology, you can focus on the common ground. Excellent topics of common ground are kindness, peace, and justice.
  • Be a light in the world
    • Listen to others, help animals, make purchases that help the world, and recycle. Be known as that one person who is walking the walk.

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